Speed PPC By Allan Gardyne Review-Speed ppc worth Buying-Now 150$ Discount

Speed PPC By Allan Gardyne

Speed PPC is a PPC Campaign building tool that will make your life easier with Google Adwords. I would like to call this blog a Speed PPC review, but since I used it , I recommend you to try it once.

What is Speed PPC?

SpeedPPC™ is built to solve your PPC Marketing problems.

The SpeedPPC System is a methodology combined with a set of in-house developed software tools, born out of the real world.A challenging affiliate marketing project that required us to increase our output by at least 10 times if we had any hope of pulling it off.

Special Offer 1: Sign up for a 15-day free trial of SpeedPPC Affiliate Pro. You’ll have the option to purchase during and after the trial period and save $100 off (20% discount) the retail price.Our 30-day money back guarantee means it’s 100% risk-free!

Special Offer 2:
Order SpeedPPC Affiliate Pro straightaway and receive a huge $150 off (30% discount) the retail price. Our 30-day money back guarantee means it’s 100% risk-free!

Special Offer 1 Special Offer 2 (Best Value)
$397.00 $347.00
order now
(No payment required for trial period)
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Free 15-day trial.
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off purchase.
Save $150 off the retail price.
The SpeedPPC Campaign Builder The SpeedPPC Campaign Builder
Training Manuals Training Manuals
Training Videos Training Videos
Support FAQ’s, Forum & Monthly Training Support FAQ’s, Forum & Monthly Training
Our In-house Quality Score Best Practices Guide Our In-house Quality Score Best Practices Guide
380+ Expansion 380+ Expansion Lists
Powerful Affiliate Datafeed Landing Page Generator Powerful Affiliate Datafeed Landing Page Generator
15 Professional Landing Page 15 Professional Landing Page Templates

SpeedPPC Member's area benefits!
  1. Instant Access to software
  2. 12 months FREE upgrades to future versions
  3. Immediate use of training materials including Videos
  4. 24-hour access to the Customer Area including Forum
  5. A year of powerful monthly training
  6. FREE SpeedPPC product support
  7. 30 day money back guarantee if not 100% satisfied!

SpeedPPC™ is built to solve your PPC Marketing problems.
Do you ever face these issues?
  • Costs are too high to make a profit?
  • Quality Score is playing havoc with your bid prices?
  • Click through rates on your ads too low?
  • Minimum bids too high?
  • Landing pages don’t convert?
  • Finding what keywords are working isn’t clear enough?
  • Takes up too much of your time?
Now With SpeedPPC all these problem is solved.
With SpeedPPC Affiliate Pro, you get all the benefits,including:

* The patent-pending SpeedPPC campaign builder
* Powerful Affiliate Datafeed Software to generate targeted landing pages from bulk data files
* 15 professional landing page templates
* 380+ Expansion lists
* User Guides and Training Videos
* 12 months Free upgrades to new versions
* 12 months Free product support

Don't delay, get it while the price is hot!

Create your own PPC Campaign. So we did. Now you can have it too.

See how SpeedPPC™ helps solve these common problems:

  • Costs too high?
  • Carve out a huge competitive edge in any market, without the worry of escalating pay per click bid costs.
  • Quality Score too low?
  • Start launching top-notch, high quality PPC campaigns. Improve Quality Score and lower your bid costs simultaneously.
  • CTR too low?
  • Bring quality traffic to your site by dramatically boosting click through rates on all your ads - simply and easily.
  • Minimum bids too high?
  • Don’t pay more than you have to. Keep your budget lean and increase the return on your investment significantly.
  • Low conversion rates?
  • Transform landing pages into well-oiled conversion machines with precise targeting to every keyword automatically.
  • Finding which keywords are working isn’t clear enough?
  • Make keyword tracking easy and know where your profits are coming from, so you can capitalize on your best search terms.
  • All at warp speed?
  • Imagine what else you could do with your time if you could reduce the time spent on PPC Marketing up to 72,500%.

    Best SpeedPPC Alternative Tools

    • Keyword Discovery / Wordtracker
      Keyword Discovery
      - my favourite paid-for PPC tool - has a top notch free demo. Wordtrackers two hour free demo is also priceless for PPC users on a budget. You’ll need to create accounts to try the tools, but some of my *cough* friends have a lot of email addresses…
    • Turbo Powered Typo GeneratorPPC typo traffic can work wonders - particularly with trademark-blocked keywords on Google. This typo generator offers more control over output than most.
    • Keyword CountryKeyword discovery and competition benchmarking during site review of existing sites. This is a good tool for those people focused more on content development and who need help on how to choose anchor text. It is also useful for finding keywords with high Click Though Rates to predict results for Key Performance Indicators. The tool provides the ability to review competitor keywords and search engines that they competition is using. Keyword Country also shows number of pages on competitor’s sites using certain keywords so you can target content for future development.Nice to have for content suggestions component during first 90 days. If you are a content heavy site then you may want this ongoing.
      Price: $99 for 3 month
    • SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool
      Keyword research means more than powering up the AdWord’s keyword tool. Aaron Wall’s keyword tool aggregates keyword data from Google, Overture Yahoo Search Marketing, Wordtracker and Keyword Discovery.
    • Adword Accelerator - AdWord Accelerator takes a very different approach by providing a variety of keyword ideas to brainstorm, allowing you to discover new ways to expand the scope of your advertising.
    • AdWords WrapperMaking use of match types is a must with AdWords. One click formats your keywords into AdWords’ broad, phrase, exact or negative match, all offered on one simple results page.
    • Open Office
      Spreadsheets are irreplaceable for generating keyword lists from data feeds. Don’t want to shell out $200 for Excel? Open Office (XP, OS X and more) is a decent open source substitute, albeit lacking some of Excel’s fancy features.
    • Combine Words: Use this pay per click tool to create combinations of keywords for use in a Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, adCenter or Ask.com Pay Per Click PPC campaign.
    • Keyword Geo Targeting and Wrapping Tool: Add city, state, and/or zip codes your keyword list, and then choose how to wrap them with this Geo Targeting Keyword Tool
    • Google Traffic Estimator: Get quick traffic estimates for new keywords without adding them to an account or using the AdWords sign-up wizard.
    Get Speed ppc today

    Top 7 Pay-Per-Click Marketing Problems

    1. Time Spent on PPC Campaigns
    2. PPC Marketing can eat up so much of your time, and with only 24 hours in a day saving time is a huge priority for a lot of us. See how SpeedPPC can save you 72,500% of time.
    3. High Competition Driving up Costs
    4. How do you hold onto a competitive edge when your costs are escalating into the stratosphere? Here’s how you can compete effectively in any market.
    5. Poor Quality Score
    6. Poor - OK - Great! Your Quality Score impacts what you pay for the privilege of a click. Start being more relevant, improve your Quality Score and lower your bid costs at the same time! See how to do it with SpeedPPC.
    7. Ads With Low Click Through Rates
    8. Want a super-quick, super-easy way to create ads that reap clicks? It’s simple and speedy with the SpeedPPC dynamic insertion feature and flexible ad templates. Check out how we do it.
    9. Landing Pages With Low Conversions
    10. Don’t persevere with low performing Landing Pages. Transform them into well-oiled conversion machines with SpeedPPCs dynamic insertion features and Landing Page Generator. See how SpeedPPC achieves this.
    11. Skyrocketing Minimum Bid Prices
    12. Are your minimum bids only heading in one direction? Put the brakes on, turn them around and improve your return on investment dramatically. Here’s how!
    13. Ineffective Tracking
    14. The cost of ineffective tracking is more than you can afford. Track your keywords and plug the holes in your PPC marketing campaigns. Here’s how to make tracking simple.

      Watch this Video now to learn how SpeedPPC can reduce your 145 hours of work into 12 minutes!!

    Click here to Order Now
    Don't believe in words, then listen!!
    Here is the interview of Reena Shohet, Product Development Manager, Speed PPC, on behalf of Jay Stockwell.The SpeedPPC methodology is developed by Jay Stockwell who is a qualified AdWords Professional.Jay holds bachelor degrees in both Behavioral Science and Multimedia.This is the first Exclusive interview From creator of Speed PPC after the launch of Speed PPC V3.0.

    Question1: What is speed ppc?A brief introduction.

    Question2. why you should purchase Speed ppc?

    Question3. How it is different from other similar products available in the market?

    Question4:What is new in speed PPC V3.0?

    Question 5: A message for customer.

    Click below button to order it rite now directly from product website.

    Why you should try Speed PPC ?

    • Roll out highly targeted, high converting PPC campaigns 72,500% faster. SpeedPPC helps you turn a month of full time work into minutes worth.

    • Radically reduce your PPC costs by using very small, strongly focused ad groups to increase click rates, with no additional work.

    • Drastically boost your landing page conversion rates by dynamically matching it perfectly with the original keyword.

    • Create perfectly matching landing pages for every single keyword in your campaign automatically.

    • Create perfectly matching ads for each laser focused ad group pushing your click through rates sky high and reducing your costs.

    • Achieve amazing Google AdWords quality scores to allow for extremely low minimum bids.
      Powerfully leverage the long tail traffic in a way that you thought would not have been possible without full time staff.

    • Track every ad group and every keyword with surgical precision so you can tweak your campaigns into profitability. This includes affiliate and CPA offers that you couldn’t normally track easily.

    Still looking for more reasons to Try Speed PPC.

    Get Speed ppc

    What SpeedPPC can do for you?

    • Both the keywords and the ads for these ad groups would be 100% focused on that theme to ensure that the click through rates are as high as they could be.

    • Throw a customized and targeted landing page into the mix and you’ve got yourself a headache.

    • Dramatically Lower Your PPC Costs

    • With very tight and small ad groups you can reduce your costs dramatically.
      The Google AdWords Learning Center clearly states:
    “The keywords you enter should be highly specific to the nature of your ad group to ensure that you receive the most cost-effective results.”

    It makes sense when you think about it. The tighter your theme, the more closely matched your keywords will be to your ad text and your ad text to your landing pages.
    Pricing Options

    Key Features

    SpeedPPC Affiliate Pro $497 [Recommended]

    *380+Expansion list

    *Powerful Affiliate Datafeed Landing Page Generator

    *15 Professional Landing Page Templates



    *14 Expansion list

    *Basic Landing Page Integration

    To see How Speed PPC works Click here

    Here are some details on what’s NEW in this launch. Yes, the campaign builder has gone through some dramatic evolutionary changes.
    However, that’s not all. Almost everything about SpeedPPC has been improved. Check out the details below.
    SpeedPPC Campaign Builder
    This is the heart of the system. Here are some of the new features:
    - Yahoo! Search Marketing Support

    This was a hugely popular feature request. We’ve now made campaign building in YSM faster than was ever before possible.

    - Advanced Ad Building

    This feature is amazing. Simply feed in all your headlines, copy and display URL’s and SpeedPPC will build text ads that represent every variation of these. Talk about split testing!

    - Ad Copying

    Got ads that are similar to one another? Don’t re-write them any more, simply copy them from one box to another with the click of a button!

    - Keyword Library

    Use the same keyword lists over and again? No problems! Simply add them to the built-in keyword library.

    - Cleaning Features
    Ensure that your keywords are clean with new cleaning filters applied to your lists to ensure no nasty surprises.

    - Improved Project Management
    You can now see all your SpeedPPC projects under one campaign view no matter where they are stored on your computer.
    - Multiple Campaigns at Once
    You can now work on and build multiple campaigns at once. Talk about speed on speed!
    - One Keyword Per Ad Group
    It’s now possible to have one keyword per ad group creating a perfect relevancy chain. Amazing Quality Score results.

    - Improved Interface

    We’ve improved the interface yet again!

    - Excel Output

    Don’t just output in CSV format. Now output in Excel too!

    - Keyword Counts
    Instantly see how many keywords you have in each of your lists, as well as how many permutations will be built from them.

    - Secret Feature!
    A huge unannounced secret feature. :)

    SpeedPPC Datafeed Landing Page Software

    - Password Protection
    - Bug Fixes
    - Interface Improvements

    SpeedPPC Training and Resources

    - 10 New Training Videos
    - Updated Guides
    - Monthly Training Resources

    New Bonuses

    - Expansion Lists for 186 Countries
    - 15 Professional Landing Page Templates

    New Site

    - Brand New Look and Feel
    - 7 New Demo Videos
    - 40 New Customer Testimonials
    - Customer Map

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